Program Options

Virtual Learning Academy Consortium (Elementary) 

The Virtual Learning Academy Consortium (VLAC) is an online learning program run through Oakland Schools serving grades K-5. Students/parents seeking enrollment in the VLAC program must be enrolled in Fowlerville Community Schools prior to enrollment in the VLAC program. Students may return/enroll in the Fowlerville Community Schools grade appropriate building when mutually agreed upon by the parent and FOLA principal. 

Junior College (Junior High) 

The JUCO program is an online learning pathway for students/parents seeking a flexible online learning environment. Students in the JUCO program will be enrolled in age and ability appropriate courses each semester. Students should complete 15% of each course, each week (resulting in completing two courses every six weeks) in order to be on track to complete six courses each semester. Students may return/enroll in the Fowlerville Junior High School when mutually agreed upon by the parent and FOLA principal.

TradPath (High School) 

Students who are in this track will receive a Fowlerville Community Schools Diploma and are subject to the following requirements: 

  • Students who earn 22 credits, fulfill the Board of Education diploma requirements, and do so within one semester past their cohort graduation date can receive a traditional high school diploma and participate in the FHS graduation ceremony and senior lock-in. 
  • Students should complete 15% of each course, each week (resulting in completing two courses every six weeks) in order to be on track to complete six courses each semester.
  • TradPath students take online courses from providers on the GenNet portal to complete the Board of Education graduation requirements. Credit for credit recovery courses may count toward graduation if the student has previously failed the teacher-led course. 
  • TradPath students can dual enroll in college classes, take up to two classes per day at Fowlerville High School, and possibly take Livingston County/WTC career technical education courses. 
  • A TradPath diploma may be earned provided student does not exceed one semester past their cohort gradation class. After an additional semester, students who have not earned their diploma are transferred to the Altech pathway to complete their requirements for a diploma. 
  • Students enrolled in the TradPath program and who are in good academic and behavioral standing (within two credits earned versus attempted) may transfer back to Fowlerville High School with permission from the Principal. 
  • TradPath students are eligible to participate in Fowlerville High School clubs and dances if approved by the FOLA Principal and FHS Administration. They are not allowed to participate on FHS athletic teams. 
  • Use of any credit recovery course credits toward graduation requirements without first failing the teacher-led course will automatically place a student in the Altech program. 
  • TradPath students who fall behind six credits will automatically enter the Altech program. 

AlTech (High School) 

AITech is a program designed for students to take online courses to meet the minimum credit requirements put forth by the State of Michigan for a high school diploma and adhere to the following requirements: 

  • Students who earn 18 credits and fulfill the Board of Education credit requirements will receive a Fowlerville Alternative High School Diploma. The diploma will be awarded at the time graduation requirements are completed. 
  • Students should complete 15% of each course, each week (resulting in completing two courses every six weeks) in order to be on track to complete six courses each semester. 
  • Students will take courses that meet the State of Michigan minimum course requirements and may include Odysseyware or a similar approved program for basic online coursework. 
  • Altech students are not eligible to participate in the Fowlerville High School commencement ceremony, lock-in, or other Fowlerville High School activities (including athletics). They may attend Fowlerville High School dances as a guest of a TradPath or Fowlerville High School student provided a guest pass was signed by administration. 
  • Students can be automatically transferred into the Altech program if they have completed their second year of high school and are deficient by six or more credits while enrolled as a student at Fowlerville High School or Fowlerville Online Learning Academy. 
  • Once students are in the Altech track, they are unable to return to Fowlerville High School or TradPath during the remainder of their high school time period.