Schedule Change Request Form

This form is for requesting a schedule change before the start of the school year/semester (or as permitted through the first week of the semester). 

If you are requesting to change a graduation requirement, world language or band, you will need permission from both a parent/guardian and the teacher. Not all requested changes can be made. 

You will receive an email to your student email if additional information is needed or if the change is possible and complete. Please consult the Fowlerville High School Course Guide located at High School Resources to choose a class or check prerequisites.

If you are requesting to change a graduation requirement, world language or band, you will need permission from both a parent/guardian and the teacher. Both parent/guardian and teacher must attached note stating, "STUDENT NAME has my permission to switch CLASS 1 with CLASS 2."
Is this class a graduation requirement, world language or band?   (required)
If you answered yes to the above question, please attach a note from your paren/guardian stating,
Filename Size Status
a graduation requirement, world language or band?   (required)
If you answered yes above, please attach a note from your current teacher stating
Filename Size Status
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