Students & Families
Student & Family Resources
Advanced and Accelerated
H.T. Smith Elementary Grades K-2
Monica Burke
Various clubs meet after school in 4 – 8 sessions. Clubs open to all students are based on teachers' expertise and students’ interest. Recent club offerings include:
- Stem Club
- Sign Language Club
- Music Club
- Fit Club
- Art Club
- Color Wheel Club
- Differentiated math and reading instruction is provided for all students' enrichment.
Natalie Kreeger Elementary Grades 3-5
Sandra Gill
Various clubs meet after school throughout the year. Clubs open to all students are based on teachers' expertise and students’ interest. Recent club offerings include:
- Drama
- Chess
- Genealogy
- Creative Thinking
- Art
- Science
- The Bug Club
- Archery Club
- Jump Rope
- Archery
- Dancing
- Honors Choir
- Field of Dreams Baseball Club
- Girls on the Run (fee based)
NUMATS (Northwest University Midwest Academic Talent Search)
Each year qualified students have the opportunity to take the EXPLORE (prep test to college entrance exam), providing an opportunity for parents to connect to resources. Differentiated math and reading instruction is provided for all students' enrichment.
Fowlerville Junior High School Grades 6–8
Full year acceleration for math possible based on NWEA test scores, unit test score averages and teacher recommendations. ELA will not be accelerated, but an honors ELA will be offered in both grades 7 and 8 based on NWEA test scores in reading and language usage, writing score averages, and teacher recommendations.
Science, Social Studies and Foreign Language can be accelerated by one year by testing out of the subject. Students must sign up to take the testing out exam and receive a 77% or higher on the exam in order to advance.
Each year qualified students have the opportunity to take the EXPLORE, SAT or ACT providing an opportunity for parents to connect to resources.
Students are able to participate in after school Chess, National Jr. Honor Society, Jazz Band, Art Club, Math Club, Ski and Snowboard Club, Theater play productions, Vex Robotics Club, board game club, Quiz Bowl, Reaching Higher, Student Council, Creative Writing, Archery and Science Olympiad at the present time.
Fowlerville High School Grades 9-12
Jamey Hardenbrook
Students may choose accelerated academic paths. AP courses are available in Calculus, Physics, Language Arts, Psychology, English Literature and Composition, Chemistry, Biology, AP Art 2D Studio Design and History. FHS also offers on-line learning opportunities. Dual enrollment, Career Center, Early Middle College, DEEP, and “testing out” is also available to those students who qualify.
Extensive club offerings include Art Club, Tech Club, DECA, Jazz Band, NHS, SLS, Science Olympiad, Gamer Support Club, FFA, Songwriter Club, Book CLub, Archery, French CLub, FIRST Robotics, Spanish Club, German Club, Studen Council and Theater.
Grades K–12
District Contact
Adva Ringle
517-223- 6027
Building G/T Coordinators participate in MAGE (Michigan Association for Gifted Education) opportunities when possible.
Community Recreation and Fowlerville Community Schools offer a wide range of athletics for youth to participate in.
Other Resources
Michigan Association for Gifted Education
The Michigan Alliance for Gifted Education offers resources, learning opportunities and events to help support and nurture advanced and accelerated children, and those who are concerned about them in Michigan.
Are You Homeless or in Transitional Housing?
If you're either a family in transitional housing (living with another family, in temporary housing, living in a camper, hotel, etc.) for financial reasons, or a student who is living away from your family because of conflict or financial issues, please complete the following:
McKinney-Vento Student Referral Form (one form per student applying)
McKinney-Vento Temporary Residence Statement (one form per family applying)
See your student's counselor, or contact us to see if your student qualifies.
McKinney-Vento Liaison
Career Pathways
Students can access Career Pathways to complete four different assessments which will provide them with career matches based on their answers. The site also allows students to search different careers, majors, and schools that offer their area of interest. They can update their educational & career goals and plans, as well as complete the assigned "lessons" by grade level.
McKinney Vento Student Referral Form
Community Services
The following is a partial list of public and private agencies and clinics that specialize in helping families and individuals with personal and/or mental health issues. This list is merely an aide to assist a family in selecting a clinic and should not be considered an endorsement for any particular therapist or association. Many clinics will accept insurance payments for mental health services if your family is covered by such a plan.
Private Counselors, Psychologists & Social Workers
Social Workers & Counselors
- Gail Allen M.S.W.: 8137 W. Grand River, Brighton 810-229-6547
- Barbara Campbell M.S.W.: 2621 Spring Grove Dr., Brighton 810-229-8522
- Jaqueline Lisiecki M.S.W.: 7960 W. Grand River, Westgate Office Ctr., Howell 810-227-1999
- Linda Swan M.S.W.: 802 E. Grand River, Howell 810-227-9119
- Jackie Price M.S.W.: 5841 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ste. C, Brighton 810-220-0271 (Eating Disorders, Depression and Family issues)
- Rick Zipper, M.S.W.: 121 S. Barnard St., Howell 517-546-5531 (Adults and Teens)
- Dianne Arman, M.S.W., Christian Counseling: 6165 Island Lake Dr., Brighton 810-229-9679
- Char Bacon, M.S.W.; 2002 Hogback Rd., Ste. 15, Ann Arbor 734-645-7455 (Grief, Family issues)
- D. Rene Kruse, MSW: Affordable Individual & Family Counseling, Brighton, 810-599-1190 (Children, Family, ADHD - sliding scale fees)
- Warwick D. Armstrong, Ph.D.: 5841 Whitmore Lake Rd, Brighton Twp. 810-229-0844 (ADHD and difficult to parent children)
- Olga Bachmann, Ph.D.: 734 S. Michigan #2, Howell 517-548-2920 or 810-623-0510
- Charlene Kushler, Ph.D.: 8609 W. Grand River, Brighton 810-229-8074 (Children and Family)
- Peter Lisiecki, Ph.D.: 7960 W. Grand River, Brighton 810-227-1999
- Janelle Ettema, Ph.D: 407 E. Grand River, Howell, 517-548-1869 (Attachment disorders, Children and Family)
- Dr. Jenny Allsweed 517-336-7366 *East Lansing
Private Counseling Clinics
- Ann Arbor Center for the Family: 2300 Washtenaw, Ste. 203, Ann Arbor 734-995-5181
- Outpatient Behavior Services: 10299 E. Grand River, Brighton 810-227-0404
- Brighton Counseling: 10299 E. Grand River, Brighton 810-227-5659
- Orchard Hills Psychiatric Center: 4000 Grand River, Novi 248-426-9900
- McAuley Psychiatric Access Center: 5301 E. Huron River Dr., Ypsilanti 734-712-5637
- Meridian Professional Psychological Consultants: 5031 Park Lane Rd., East Lansing 517-332-0811
- Oakbrooke Counseling: 10524 E. Grand River, Brighton 810-227-0891
- Huron Valley Consultation Center: 955 W. Eisenhower Circle, Ann Arbor 734-662-6300
- Neuro-Behavioral Center: 5370 Miller Rd. Ste. 33, Swartz Creek 810-720-5990 (ADHD treatment without medicine)
- Key Alliance, Inc. 8619 W.Grand River, Ste. K, Brighton 810-220-8192 (Drug screening/Counseling)
- Chelsea Arbor Treatment Center: 900 Victorsway, Ste. 310, Ann Arbor 734-930-0201 (In and out patient, group & individual, 4 week educational program with parent component)
Public Counseling Agencies and Specialized Services
Public Counseling Agencies
- Catholic Social Services: 2020 E. Grand River Ste. 104, Howell 517-545-5944
- Livingston County Community Mental Health: Child and Adolescent Division,
- 2280 E. Grand River, Howell 517-546-4126
- Community Mental Health: Adult Division, 206 S. Highlander Way, Howell 517-546-4126
- LACASA: 2895 W. Grand River, Howell - 24 hour crisis lines are; domestic violence at 810-227-7100, sexual assault at 517-548-4228, business related at 517-548-1350
- Women's Resource Center: 3471 E. Grand River, Howell 517-548-2200
- Pregnancy Help Line: 7743 Grand River, Brighton 810-494-5433
- Livingston County Help Line: 2980 Dorr Rd., Brighton 810-494-3003
Hospital Clinics
- Chelsea Hospital: 775 S. Main, Chelsea 734-475-4030
- McPherson Hospital: 620 Byron Rd, Howell 517-545-6000
- Brighton Hospital: 12851 E. Grand River, Brighton 810-227-1211
- Turning Point: St. Johns 1-800-762-3742
University Mental Health Clinics
- Michigan State University Counseling Center: 517-355-8270
- University of Michigan Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 734-764-0231
Substance Abuse Clinics
- Dawn Farm Detox: 544 N. Division, Ann Arbor 734-669-8265
- Growthworks Inc.: 271 S. Main St., Plymouth 734-455-4095,
- Key Development Center: 2708 E. Grand River, Howell 517-545-5890 (MIP weekends, Y.E.S. Empowerment Services - Assessment/Substance abuse issues)
Grief Work
- Arbor Hospice: 2366 Oak Valley Dr., Ann Arbor, 734-662-5999; or 331 Center Northville 248-348-4980
- Ashley's Friends: (Grief program for 5-18 yr. olds) 1875 N. Eager Rd., Howell 517-546-4440
- Ele's Place: 600 W. St. Joseph, Ste. 1-G Lansing 517-482-1315
- St. Joseph Mercy Livingston Hospice: 907 Fowler Street, Howell 517-540-9000
- Livingston Community Hospice/McPherson Hospital: 517-540-9000
Community Service Agencies
- The Connection Youth Services 866-440-SAFE (7233)
- Al-Anon and Al-Ateen: 13 W. LeGrand, Howell 517-546-9350
- C.H.A.D.D. (National Group for Children and Adults with A.D.H.D.): 1-800-233-4050
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters: 1004 Pinckney Rd., Ste. 203, Howell 517-546-1140
- Livingston Family and Independence Agency: 2300 E. Grand River, Howell 517-548-0200
- Emergencies at 517-546-8668
- Livingston County Friend of the Court: 210 S. Highlander Way, Howell 517-546-0230
- Livingston County Juvenile Court: 200 E. Grand River, Howell 517-546-1500
- Livingston County Health Dept.: 2300 E. Grand River, Howell 517-546-9850
- Livingston County Transportation LETS: 3950 W. Grand River, Howell 517-546-6600
- Referral Services and Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Access: 555 Tower,
- Ypsilanti 1-800-440-7548
- Salvation Army: 503 Lake Street, Howell 517-546-4750
- American Red Cross: 517-546-0326
- Help with Food: Gleaners Food Bank 517-548-3710; Fish & Loaves 810-229-2821
- Family Impact Center (Fowlerville) 517-223-4428
- Low Cost or Free Children's Insurance: Healthy Kids and MI Child 1-888-988-6300
McKinney Vento Temporary Residence Statement
Cyber Safety
Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative Website
Online Harassment
Cell Phone Harassment
Identify the sender’s number and report it to their cell phone provider. If someone threatens you physically, contact your local police department right away!
Social Networking
Develop an Action Plan before you allow access!
Discussion Questions
- Talk to your child about information on profiles and together review profiles he or she has created or visited.
- Encourage your child to share their online experiences.
- For sample questions to discuss with your child, click on the Social Networking form below.
English Language Learners (ELL) Reference
The Fowlerville Community Schools offer English as a Second Language(ESL) supports to students with limited English proficiency. We have a continuum of supports for students based on their English skills and needs. Service time and supports are based on the district's Language Acquisition Plan linked here. Our goal is to ensure limited English proficiency is not a barrier to a student's full participation in all of the programs and activities offered at the Fowlerville Community Schools.
We also offer translation services for parents and other family members to support communication between the schools and the families of our English Language Learner (ELL) families. If you speak a language other than Spanish and need translation assistance, please email us.
Fowlerville Community Schools has prepared a Handbook for the purpose of educating our staff on the federal ELL regulations and to provide uniform practices for the district.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Ms. Adva Ringle
District EL Coordinator
Family Support
This information is for families seeking assistance in various areas. Please feel free to contact our school counselor, Mrs. Barb Dunn or call 517-223-6210 for further assistance.
Michigan 2-1-1 is an easy way to find help of all kinds, right in your community. Need help with food, housing, or paying bills? Need support in a family crisis or community disaster? We’re here for you. Any time. All the time. Just call, text, or search online and we’ll get you connected.
735 N. Grand St.
Fowlerville, MI 48836
At Family Impact Centers of Fowlerville, we are dedicated to improving the lives of those in need by providing essential resources and support. Our mission is to offer hope and to bring restoration to our community.
2895 W. Grand River Ave.
Howell, MI 48843
LACASA Center, located in Howell, Michigan, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting victims of child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault. They offer a range of services, including a 24/7 helpline, emergency shelter, counseling, legal advocacy and community education programs. All their services are provided at no charge to ensure accessibility for all victims and their families.
Job Searches
100 Summit
Brighton, MI 48116
Work Skills Corporation (WSC) has been providing employment and training services to people with barriers to employment for over 40 years. By barrier, we refer to a wide range of individuals from those who simply need help developing a resume to those who need accommodations on a job.
The Michigan Works! Association provides services and support to Michigan’s workforce development system. Through the Association, members can access timely, relevant professional development opportunities and ensure high-quality programs for all customers.
Area Counseling Services
Community Mental Health Services of Livingston County
Community Mental Health Services of Livingston County (CMHLC) offers a comprehensive range of mental health services to residents of Livingston County, Michigan. Their programs include crisis intervention, outpatient therapy, community-supported living and services for individuals with dual diagnoses. They also provide specialized services such as a community day program for older adults, family support services, home-based services and a 24-hour crisis line (CMHPSM) (MHWeb).
Perspectives Therapy Services is a mental health counseling service that offers a range of therapeutic services to individuals, couples, families and groups. They provide support for various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship challenges and more. The services are typically tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, employing evidence-based practices and a compassionate approach to help clients achieve their mental health and wellness goals.
William A. Presti Center For Families and Youth
The William A. Presti Center for Families and Youth is a facility dedicated to supporting the well-being of families and young people. It typically offers a range of services such as counseling, educational programs, recreational activities and resources aimed at fostering healthy family relationships and youth development. The center's mission often focuses on providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals can receive the guidance and support they need to thrive. For more specific information about the center, including its location, programs and services, it's best to visit their official website or contact them directly.
Advanced Behavioral Medicine is a healthcare facility that specializes in providing comprehensive mental health and behavioral services. They typically offer a range of treatments, including therapy, counseling, medication management and support for individuals dealing with various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and more. Their goal is to improve the mental well-being and quality of life for their patients through personalized and evidence-based care.
Thriving Minds Behavioral Health
Thriving Minds Behavioral Health is a pediatric psychology clinic dedicated to providing high-quality mental health services for children, adolescents and their families. They specialize in Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to address a wide range of issues including anxiety, ADHD, depression, behavioral issues and selective mutism. The clinic emphasizes working closely with parents and schools to ensure comprehensive care and support.
Changes Counseling of Hartland, LLC
Changes Counseling of Hartland, LLC is a mental health clinic located in Hartland, Michigan. They offer a variety of counseling services for individuals, couples and families. Their specialties include anxiety, depression, relationship issues and many other mental health concerns. The clinic is staffed by licensed professionals who provide personalized support and therapy. They accept many types of insurance and offer flexible hours to accommodate clients' schedules
Livingston Psychological Services, LLC
Livingston Psychological Services, LLC, located in Howell, Michigan, offers a wide range of psychological services including therapy for issues such as domestic violence, addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They emphasize a compassionate, client-centered approach, striving to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for their clients. Their team of experienced therapists including cognitive behavioral and trauma-focused specialists, provides individualized treatment plans to help clients achieve their goals and improve their quality of life
Ellie's Place, also known as Ele's Place, is a nonprofit organization that provides support to children, teens, and their families who are grieving the death of a loved one. The organization offers peer support groups, counseling, and various programs to help young people process their grief and find a path toward healing in a safe and nurturing environment.
FOLA Course Log-Ins
To log into a FOLA course choose the appropriate link below:
Forms & Documents
All forms must be turned into the school office, and a new form must be completed each year.
Diabetes Health Care/Physician
Guest Dance Application - To invite a student that does not attend FHS to a dance
Non-Prescription Medication Form
School Based Medical Plan - Not asthma, diabetic care related.
Transcript Request - For requesting a transcript for graduate prior to 2003. Graduates after 2003, please use Docufide/Parchment.
Vacation Form - Students should fill this form out if intending to be out of school for vacation. Must be filled out prior to absence. Signatures required include teachers, parent and administrator
College visit / job shadow (high school juniors and seniors only) Must be completed and turned in prior to visit. Signaturesrequired include teachers, counselor and parent. Will count against the semester 2 "Senior Exam Policy."
Fowlerville Community Schools Volunteer Form
Livingston County Community Alliance
You can help prevent tragedy. What’s in Your Medicine Cabinet? Heroin addiction often starts with the use of prescription pain killers kids find right in their own homes.
Low-Cost Internet Options
If your child requires any prescription or non-prescription medication during the school year, a parent or guardian must bring the medication in to the Smith Office to drop it off and complete the necessary paperwork. SCHOOL BOARD POLICY STATES THAT CHILDREN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TRANSPORT MEDICATION.
Parent Connect
Parent Connect is our system Parents can use to keep up on their child's progress. Parents are able to view assignments, grades, report cards, attendance, fall re-registration and cafeteria activity. Parents are assigned a PIN and Password once their email is entered into MiStar. If a parent does not know their log in information, visit Parent Connect. Click on Need your Login Information?
New to the district?
Once your student is enrolled you should receive an email with your PIN and Password.
Questions? Comments?
Please email Fowlerville Community Schools Connect. Please include your student's legal name and birthdate in email.
Parent Engagement Toolkit
Michigan Department of Education has developed a Parent Engagement Toolkit to describe ways parents can become involved in their children's education at school and in the community. Visit Family Engagement now to begin your journey!
Rewards Programs
There are many stores that offer donations to schools when family and friends sign up to participate in their rewards programs. This is a great way to raise money for Fowlerville Community Schools while doing your regular shopping. Please help us by signing up at these stores!
VG's receipts/Spartan Stores
Fowlerville Junior High School can earn $1,000 from SpartanNash just by shopping at VG’s Supermarket, Family Fare Supermarkets, or D&W Fresh Markets. Save your receipts and bring them to our school office.
For every $150,000 in receipts, we get $1,000. This money will help fund field trip scholarships and lunchtime activities.
You can also mail receipts to:
7677 Sharpe Rd., Fowlerville MI, 48836
Attention: Fowlerville Junior High School
Only original receipts are accepted. Help us raise money by saving and turning in your receipts all year round.
Simply register your Kroger Rewards Card online using your organization name and/or NPO number. Individual purchases will begin counting towards your organization within 7-10 days of registering the individual rewards Cards online. Every time a member shops for groceries and swipes their card, your organization automatically starts earning a rebate.
State Immunization Guidelines
All students enrolled in the Fowlerville Community Schools must meet any immunization requirements for school registration set forth in the Public Health Code of the State of Michigan.
A student 7-18 years of age who is entering school shall be in compliance with the following immunization requirements:
- Has received 4 doses of any appropriate diphtheria vaccine - 3 doses if first dose was received on or after the 7th birthday, and if a dose was not received within the last 10 years, a booster dose at school entry.
- Has received 4 doses of tetanus vaccine - 3 doses if the first dose received was after the 7th birthday and if a booster was not received within the last 10 years, a booster dose at school entry.
- Two doses of live MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine received after first birthday, at least one month apart, and with one of two doses at or after 15 months or current laboratory evidence of immunity to mumps, measles and rubella. Three doses of polio vaccine.
Evidence of completion of these immunization requirements must be submitted to school officials prior to attending classes. The Superintendent or his/her designee will exclude and/or not permit a child to enter school who is out of compliance with the required immunization guidelines.
Effective January 1, 2015, Public Health Code require parents/guardians:
- Make an appointment with the local health department.
- During this appointment, a nurse or health educator will provide immunization education and answer any questions that you may have.
- Waivers will not be accepted by the school unless they are signed and stamped by a local health department.
- Students susceptible or waivered may be excluded from school during a disease outbreak.
Livingston County Department of Public Health
2300 East Grand River Avenue, Suite 102
Howell, Michigan 48843-7578
Student and Family Health & Wellness
Are you or a member of your family struggling with social, emotional, substance abuse, or mental health issues? Fowlerville Community Schools has partnered with Care Solace to assist families with finding the support they need to access support. Care Solace will work with you to find an appropriate provider who will best fit your needs and work with your insurance or budget to provide the care you or your loved one needs to overcome the issue. Visit Care Solace or speak to the school counselor or social worker for more information.
Livingston ESA - Mental Health Series, March 2025
Livingston ESA - Mental Health Series, April 2025
Student Resources
The Gladiator Gazette Familiy Newsletter
The Gladiator Gazette is the bi-weekly family newsletter shared by Fowlerville Community Schools to keep families up-to-date on activities happening within the district.
The Gladiator Gazette 11.13.24
The Gladiator Gazette 11.27.24