Non-Discrimination Grievance Procedure

Non-Discrimination Policy and Complaint Procedure

It is the policy of the Board of Education that Fowlerville Community Schools will not discriminate against any person based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, handicap, age or disability.  Fowlerville Community Schools reaffirms its long-standing policy of compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.

The Assistant Superintendent is appointed the Civil Rights Coordinator regarding complaints of discrimination involving employment, educational services, programs and activities. Inquiries or complaints by employees, students and/or their parent(s)/guardian(s) related to discrimination based on disability/handicap, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, age or marital status should be directed to:

Assistant Superintendent of Schools

Fowlerville Community Schools

7677 W. Sharpe Rd., Suite A

Fowlerville, Michigan 48836


In the event a complaint is made against the Assistant Superintendent of Schools, the complaint should be directed to The Superintendent of Schools at the above address.  In the event a complaint is against the Superintendent of Schools, the complaint should be directed to the Vice-President of the Board of Education at the above address.

The Civil Rights Coordinators, as specified herein, are designated to receive and resolve complaints from any person who believes that they may have been discriminated against in violation of this policy.  Any person who believes they have been discriminated against in violation of this policy should file a written complaint with the Civil Rights Coordinator within ten (10) calendar days of the alleged violation. The Civil Rights Coordinator will then take the following action: 

  1. Cause an investigation of the complaint to be commenced.  
  2. Arrange for a meeting to occur with the complainant, which may include School District staff who are knowledgeable of the facts and circumstances of the particular complaint or who have particular expertise that will assist in resolving the complaint.  
  3. Complete the investigation of the complaint and provide, in writing, a reply to the complainant. 

If the Civil Rights Coordinator determines a violation has occurred, they shall propose a fair resolution of the complaint and deliver the determination to the complainant and the Superintendent. In the event the complaint is against the Superintendent, a copy of the determination shall be delivered to the President of the Board of Education.  

The complainant may appeal the determination of the Civil Rights Coordinator or Board Vice-President to the Superintendent, or in the case of a complaint against the Superintendent, to the President of the Board of Education, by so notifying the Superintendent or Board President in writing within the (10) calendar days of the Civil Rights Coordinator’s determination. The Superintendent or Board President may conduct additional investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the complaint. 

The Superintendent, or Board President in the case of a complaint against the Superintendent, shall affirm or reverse the Civil Rights Coordinator’s decision and, if warranted, implement the Civil Rights Coordinator’s proposed resolution or a modification thereof.  The Superintendent or Board President's decision shall be final.

The Board Vice-President or President may elect to secure the services of an outside party to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any complaint against the Superintendent. 

Upon completion of, or at any point in, the grievance process, complainants have the right to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, US Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20201.  The complainant should first be directed to the following address:

Office for Civil Rights

600 Superior Ave., Suite 750

Cleveland, OH 44114

216-522-4970 (phone)

216-522-2573 (fax)

Title IX Policy

The Fowlerville Community School District ( District) is committed to allowing full access to educational and extracurricular programming and employment or growth opportunities for all individuals. No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program. The Board of Education has adopted a Discrimination and Harassment Policy that prohibits all forms of illegal harassment and discrimination within the District, including those described in Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1 9 7 2. Any person who believes that they have been the victim of discrimination should seek resolution through the procedures that have been established by the District. 

A person making a complaint should contact the District’s Compliance Officer. The District appoints the HR Director and the Athletic Director as the Fowlerville Community Schools Compliance Officers. It is these people’s responsibility to ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations and that any inquiries or complaints are dealt with promptly in accordance with the law and school policy. 

Contact information for the Compliance Officers:

Trisha Reed
Human Relations Director 
7677 Sharpe Road, Suite A 
Fowlerville, MI 48836 

Jeff Finney
Athletic Director 
700 N. Grand Avenue 
Fowlerville, MI 48836 

 The Compliance Officers, Investigators and Decision-Makers all participated in Title IX Sexual Harassment Comprehensive Training, presented by Thrun Law Firm, P.C. 

Contact Us

Matt Stuard